RULES AND Schedule


The „International Student Business Competition: A Mysterious Business Case“ is an event created in 2023 at the Prague University of Economics and Business by one of its academics. Given the success of this event, in late 2023/beginning 2024, it was developed as a more ambitious project and this project was submitted as a proposal for funding to the Visegrad Fund in late January 2024. In April 2024, the Visegrad Fund decided to sponsor this project (under No. 22410011), granting it the initially demanded 19,800 EUR.  

The project is administrated and organized by the Prague University of Economics and Business and will be carried out thanks to the participation of three partner universities from the other three countries of the V4 region. These universities are:

  • Nysa University of Applied Sciences

  • The Matej Bel University

  • University of Pécs

These three universities and the Prague University of Economics and Business are further referred to as “cooperating universities”. Each cooperating university is represented by one person, also called “a representative” (typically a professor/teacher).

Furthermore, at the Prague University of Economics and Business, there is an “organizing team” composed of the author of the competition and two student assistants. 

The project’s primary goal is to organize a student business competition in a remote and unknown location. The two subgoals of the project are:

1) to use workshops and teamwork to develop students’ skills to successfully analyze business-oriented case studies and defend solutions to such case studies, and

2) to track students’ personal development. 

Applications Round
to Sep 30

Applications Round

Applications round (ended for the Prague University of Economics and Business on 31 August as planned). For all other universities of the V4 region, the deadline has been extended by 30 days.

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During the competition, all participating persons – i.e., professors, student assistants and qualified students – but invited experts will be provided with food and accommodation.

For the participation in the competition, no ETCS credits are offered.

All participating persons will be provided with train or bus tickets to and from the destination.

For every country, it must be respected that no student group can travel without the assigned person (i.e., a university’s representative).

All participating persons should respect the fact that the competition lasts 4 days plus there are two days needed for the journey to and from the destination. 

Tickets from or to the departure locations will not be paid.

In line with the Green Guidelines of the Visegrad Fund, no participating person can use a private car to the destination. Only the invited experts are allowed.

By accepting to attend the competition or joining the project in general, all participating persons understand that they will be granted no salary or any monetary compensation.

The invited experts are granted an agreed remuneration after they have completed their work.

Everyone attending the competition will have to respect the instructions of the Organizing team to guarantee the smooth organization of the competition. Furthermore, all people attending the competition must inform the Organizing team about any problem without delay.

To improve safety and avoid potential conflicts, no uninvited person or animal will be allowed to access the accommodation facility. 

The competition is to be organized as a challenging event where students will have to demonstrate their skills, knowledge, and progress, not only as members of an assigned group but also individually. Therefore, individuals with a sensitive personality should refrain from applying to the competition. 

Individuals experiencing frequent diseases, especially in winter, are urged to consider their participation in the competition seriously. The rules of the Visegrad Fund do not allow a simple exchange of project participants.