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On 20 January 2025, the qualified students accompanied by one professor from each cooperating university will meet at the following locations:

1)      Students of Czech universities: Praha hl. n. (train station)

2)      Students of Polish universities: Nysa (train station)

3)      Students of Slovak universities: Banská Bystrica (train station)

4)      Students of Hungarian universities: Pécs (train station)

The exact time will be shared later. It is however already known that for most countries, the meeting time will be around at 6 am.

Students will travel to an unknown location for free. They will be purchased tickets by the Organizing team.

A major part of the journey is going to be by train. Boarding at a different train station is not possible. If the Organizing team sees that a participant could possibly board a train at a later place, it will consider this option only if it does not impact the price and conditions of group tickets and results not risky from the point of view of transfer times between trains/buses.

Students will be accommodated on 20 January 2025. Until 25 January 2025, they will be provided with full board and accommodation in double or triple rooms.

The objective of the competition is to work on mysterious business cases.

The 32 qualified students will be randomly drawn into groups.

Each group will be assigned a mentor. The mentors are represented by four people (i.e., representatives) coming from the cooperating universities.

During the competition, students will work on solutions to their mysterious business cases. Also, they will be trained in their presentation skills and provided with new knowledge.

The mentor’s role consists of helping students develop a good solution to the assigned business case and improve their presentation, especially by giving them relevant advice and answering their questions. The mentors are, however, prohibited from showing students a correct solution to the assigned business case or work instead of students.

On 24 January 2025, the students will defend their presentations in front of a jury composed of the mentors and other people.

The Winning group is going to receive 800 EUR in the award, i.e. 100 EUR per person.

The detailed program will be announced on the competition's official website later.

During the event, photos and videos can be taken for illustration purposes. Any applicant to the competition is aware that an image or video depicting him/her may be published online or in printed form. Although the Organizing team does not intend to publish the full names of the qualified students online or elsewhere without the consent of the qualified students, it cannot guarantee that the identity of the qualified students will be revealed by someone else.

October 21

Before the Competition